Monday, August 19, 2013

Family Conversation Jars 8.15.2013

Hello everyone,
What a wonderful way to start our upcoming year of building friendships and memories.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know your fellow-table moms and catching up with friends. It was so wonderful to see everyone

Thank you to the Leadership Team for a yummy breakfast!

Our first meeting featured a craft that we hope you will use and build on throughout this coming year as we focus on the book "Spiritual Parenting" with the use of Family Conversation Jars.

This craft was to jump start conversations and give you an opportunity to be a witness for Jesus to your kids through your words, in turn your kiddos might surprise you in what they have to say too!

Proverbs 22:6 says "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

Isn't it amazing that we, as parents, are starting our children off with the building blocks and pieces of our own faith legacy that they will pass to their own children, that their children's children's children will someday inherit? We hope and pray that these Family Conversation Jars bring Jesus to the center of your daily conversation and help you in preparing that foundation for your kids.

Each Moms TLC meeting we will have some discussion time to share our family conversations that moved us or made us laugh. We will also use this time to brain-storm new questions to add to our jars.

If you missed the meeting, don't worry! We saved jars and decorating supplies so you can be a part of the fun!

See below some awesome examples from some of our awesome moms.


If you're interested in using this craft in your own ministry or would like to know more, please see the Contact Us section for more information.


1 comment:

Erica Luna said...

Yes! What a fun craft that has already inspired some exciting conversations in the Luna house. Here are some of Cape's answers: 1. If you could be a superhero, what would your power be? "To freeze people." 2. How would you use your power to help others? "To freeze people who step on my pinky toe. Like my dog Mak because he always steps on my pinky toe." 3. Why do you think it is important to talk to God? "Because He created us." Thank you Heather Schetter - Craft Team Coach for organizing these Family Conversation Jars. They Rock!